Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Hey there Cat!
    Obviously brother, our biggest difference though is that you’re an actor, and I’m a musician. But I have been in movies and that box people call the me out here…..yeah, yeah! The Television is what it is. But I understand your strife’s and dilemma’s.
    -Duke Ellington

  2. Yessir that is quite a difference indeed! I also dabbled in music though in case ya didn't know! I've written and recorded many songs actually. Music comes right after acting and comedy... Great arts all of them!!!

  3. I'm not the actor type...more of the composer type...but you would already know that, right? I've seen your face about, and I always have wanted a word with you...of no, not in a bad way! I just wanted to meet you!

    I've worked with movies before, but I didn't stick to them. Well, it was composing songs for them, but same field nonetheless...but it never appealed to me. We are very different...very much's merely just between our fields.

    Good day

  4. Hey Doll Face! We have so much in common it is incredible, Vaudeville, movies, comedy.... but as for the differences,.. You said in your interview how much you'd like to thank you mama and daddy, I find that so inspiring, you see my momma and daddy weren't too supportive of me being in the performance field until I made a name for myself. Its too bad because it was always my dream. I am a musician too. Music is my life. I love to sing and my comedy act is based on the lyrics of my songs. However, Charlie I am so glad to be talking to someone who has so much in common with me! It is nice to talk to someone who understands my dillemas and my advantages in the world of our art.

  5. Yeah... Though we may be different and have differences, its the Arts that brings us together!
